Saturday, June 5, 2010


yesterday we all went to visit barry, bridget and their kids. we were very excited to meet baby dylan for the first time. and what a sweet little guy he is! of course joel and barry wanted to do some golfing, and since they offered to take the two oldest kids with them, bridget and i decided they could go. :) it was a beautiful day and i heard they all had a wonderful time. joel always tells me what a great teacher barry is (he must be a patient one too!). isaac is a natural on the course as you can see by his impressive stance. it's was lauren's first time golfing and joel said she loved it. once they returned home, we were treated to a delicious dinner! thank you bridget and barry for all your hospitality!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

new camera

two nights ago i bought a new camera. i am so excited to finally have my own small one and not have to rely on joel's huge, expensive one. so i have had lots of fun these past few days taking lots of pictures. my subjects may not be quite as enthused with my new purchase, but they all have been good sports. so here's what we've been up to these past few days.....

fun at the park

ryan has 5 teeth that have broken through, yay!

making a garden. ryan ingested a bit of sand on this outing.

at home

so cute, even with some chocolate pudding on her face! :)

story time with dad

breakfast in the backyard


snack/play time

ryan apparently likes the big kid cheetos and not the baby ones!

bath time

daddy time

someone was suddenly very interested in and had a lot of questions about mechanical limbs. anything to prolong going to bed!